

8:22 AM

Since I know how useful this kind of post is to others I thought I'd write one myself. What type of post, you ask? The whole "my experience in bla bla bla" kind, I answer.
Registration day

So I managed to get into what others would reckon a top-ranking education institution which is the Pusat Asasi Sains Universiti Malaya aka PASUM. I was fortunate that for my intake they have stopped interviewing the applicants and it was the first year that they have done so. Initially, I wanted to apply for the Asasi Seni Bina but unfortunately the last batch of students they accepted for that program was the seniors from the previous year. I went ahead and settled for the only choice I had which was the Asasi Sains Fizikal.

An advice for you guys. Make sure you have your needed documents prepared! READ all the required stuff for you to bring for your orientation because trust me you guys are going to save a whoooole lot of your time and other's when you got there. If you want to get yelled at and miss out on other activities while you busy yourself with settling paperwork then go right ahead and come unprepared. If you have any questions just give the office a call ahead of time. Phew, let's move on shall we.

I enrolled into the program around late May in 2015. It was both exciting and nerve-wrecking for me since it was my very first time living away from home and in a such a huge city to boot! Gosh, I was such a fetus back then haha. Such a goody-two-shoes, looking up to all the seniors during the orientation week. *sigh* How time matures you and scrubs away your innocence XD

My advice to any of you young ones during the orientation week is to just have FUN! Make as many new friends as you can and just join all the activities. (No matter how lame and cheesy some of them could be) I think it's a great time to settle down in the campus and you get to do quite a lot of sightseeing. You get to enter buildings that you might rarely ever get to go back in later in the year such as the Dewan Tunku Canselor. It doesn't matter if you guys get treated like little kids (which you are in our eyes as the senior anyway, you'll feel the same later too) because that makes the whole experience sweeter in your memory when you graduated. Well it is to me. Plus, this is when you can make yourself KNOWN if you are interested in joining the zillion committees later on since you'll be able to get to know other like-minded leaders and such. (I was not such a person sadly. But I've noticed this things though.)

A heads up is to be prepared to be totally zombified during this week because you WILL be forced to wake up really early in the morning and sleep quite late at night especially if you have dancing and singing practices. For those with artistic talents this is the time for you guys to shine! Also for you sport jocks you guys will have a chance to show off too haha. (as for me I was a total talentless nerd, ok tyvm for not asking) Even with this hellish condition do try to be on your best mood because your seniors get even LESS sleep than you guys and being kind to others is just awesome in general anyway :)

Don't forget the flashy umbrella xD
Ah, something I wish someone told me was the type of clothes we should bring. The list they gave me for registration is kinda bull, at least for the clothing parts anyway. So since there will be a lot of walking and working out involved bring your best sneakers with you and a lot of comfy track bottoms and shirt. As for formal wear just bring some shirt and pants for guys and a lot of baju kurungs for the gals. It will be what you need to wear during classes anyway. A few casual clothes is enough for the first few weeks imo. No need for any blazer unless you are interested in joining debates competition and such. But that comes later into the year anyway.

As for toiletries and such, the list they gave actually covered all of them pretty well. I suggest bringing  a whole lot of hangers especially for le females. Keeping in mind the locker they have is quite small.

Around this size lah
Here's some pictures from my first week.
Where you guys will be staying

The lecture hall
The closing ceremony 

I'll continue with the learning style and the living condition in another post :)

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